What is Qi?--Explanation by scientist
The Origin and Nature of Qi or “Chi”
Compiled and written by Jim Vaughan
(1) What we call "Qi" or “Chi” is information in a biology field, which acts something like a radio field or a magnetic field because it carries information through solid matter and also can extend itself into empty space.
(2) Qi (Chi) has been a necessary part of all life on earth from the very beginning because it acts as the nerves, eyes, ears, taste, and communication of every individual living cell. Our adult bodies are made up of about 300 billion individual cells all interconnected by Qi (Chi) so they work together as a collective.
(3) Every cell contains a large chemical molecule called the Genome which acts as its brain and also stores all the information needed to create a human being. Science has recently mapped the DNA structure of the human Genome and found that it has about 3 billion working parts. It also has extensive structure made of bio-field just as the body has so it is a pretty capable brain. Each Genome generates a small Qi (Chi) field which adds to the Qi (Chi) of other cells to form the strong Qi (Chi) circulating in our bodies. All this mixed Qi (Chi) could be compared to the sound of a full symphony orchestra with lots of instruments and complex rhythms and sub themes. As this Qi (Chi) interacts with parts within each cell, with chemicals, and with Qi (Chi) of other cells outside, the changes are interpreted by the Genomes as information coming in.
(4)When sperm and egg join they form our unique original Genome which copies itself as the cells divide. As Genomes increase they work as a collective brain to build the body. As the cells specialize into muscle cells, nerve cells, kidney cells, etc; the Genomes inside them specialize to make specialized functions of the collective brain. They create and maintain the invisible bio-field pathways: the meridians, the acupuncture points, the Qi (Chi) organs like the Tan Tien, etc because these are functioning standard parts of every body. They have been mapped for thousands of years in the East. Western scientists are only now beginning to develop instruments to detect bio-fields.
(5) There is good evidence that Genomes of every living cell on earth have created a collective bio-field and that the Qi (Chi) of every cell on earth is connected into it. It acts like an “internet” and a very large collective brain to make information widely accessible. Scientists have recently discovered that unusual chemical gasses that counter global warming are being made and released naturally all over the world and they don’t yet know the intelligence behind this.
(6) The brain organ in our head needs us to believe it has the only human awareness in our bodies. So it masks awareness from the chi-genome intelligence to make it subconscious to us. The purpose of Qi (Chi) Training is to overcome the mask by using frequent Meditation and to learn to work with Qi (Chi) using specially developed exercises that guide Qi (Chi) with focused intention. After making steady progress we eventually experience a “breakthrough” by seeing through the mask and becoming aware of our success.
(7) The teaching style we are familiar with in our Western civilization is based on books and lectures and laboratory work that teach our brains facts about the things that make up our world. Our Science rejects as “Quackery” any talent it cannot analyze and perform itself regardless of whether someone else can make it work. Science cannot imagine awareness independent of the brain in the head.
(8) Eastern teaching style focuses on training the student how to “work the system as a whole” to accomplish the desired results. It is like learning to get music from a piano without bothering to know details of its construction. Eastern based religions like Christianity teach that there are other centers of awareness besides the brain and many westerners accept that in religion.
(9) Qi (Chi) Training is taught in the Eastern style like an art of doing! Traditional teachers never answer questions which encourage brain activity. Instead they teach meditation techniques which bypass brain chatter and brain involvement while still keeping their student awake and aware. This quieting is necessary to help the student shift awareness to engage the subtle chi-genome mind. Traditional moving exercises have been perfected by master teachers to help students begin moving in harmony with this mind which is always in motion. This is a form of experiencing something new by induction. Moving and meditation must be practiced simultaneously, so the technique is called Moving Meditation.
Most importantly, genuine teachers use Qi (Chi) to induce the ”knowing” in their students. They generate strong Qi (Chi) fields that they project into the students when the students have done their work to make themselves open. The inducted experience is what the student is trying to learn to feel, so the trained teacher saves the student a lot of time and effort. As the feeling becomes more clearly “known”, the student can begin to invoke it himself by intention.
(10) Meditation is an eastern skill. One technique is to become disinterested and emotionally unattached to any thought your brain presents to you as it flows in, through, and out of awareness. Also practice to leave a very small token part of your awareness there as a quiet shadow witness to keep your brain from falling asleep or into a trance. Then most of your awareness is free to explore expansion.
(11) Remember to entirely forget this “mental paper” when “Doing Qi (Chi) Training”. Persistently pay complete awareness to your immediate experience and to your teacher. Only this helps you progress.
(12) The persistent training is the price to pay. Gradual accomplishment empowers better health and a longer better life and that is the worthwhile goal for most people. The collective subconscious is also large enough to offer many additional amazing but natural human abilities that can be developed by almost anyone who makes sufficient effort.
Compiled and written by Jim Vaughan
(13) Extreme efforts to survive in the face of extreme danger break down the normal barriers of awareness in the brain. This enables an untrained individual to search his Qi -genome knowledge base and find survival talent inherited from his ancestors. Many shamans have been opened to their profession through extreme stress. Many new untrained soldiers have suddenly found exceptional talent to survive in battle. An intense intention to find these necessary talents called them forth. Once a person has experienced and “knows” the “address” of a particular talent area in his genome he can invoke it again. This explains much of ancestor appreciation in the East.
(14) Vast numbers of dormant talent areas are available if you have strong qi intentions and if you “know” the addresses. Professionals use meditation-induction to teach the addresses they know to other professional students. Then the student can invoke the talent stored within his own genome and “Do” it too. In Eastern tradition, a Master of a particular talent has a student sit with him as he invokes the “access state” and practices the talent. Soon the student can invoke the “access state” too. This teaching method makes the Eastern Master inscrutable to Westerners, especially when the silent Master correctly says: “Get the Feeling and Do it!”
(15) To learn healing, be with a practicing healer while he heals. Pay attention to warnings professionals give. Sometimes natural-born healers do not realize that their qi always loses some of its “health” by interacting with sick patients. Then the healer gradually gets sick and doesn’t understand why. Professional healers always work to restore the “purity and vitality” of their qi between patients. It’s called “clearing out the negative qi .” Western Psychiatrists are also trained to“clear their mind and emotions” for the next patient.
(16) If you doubt that your qi has the ability to “analyze” what’s good for you and what’s bad, try the following familiar experiment. Use two identical containers that someone completely unknown to you has put poison in one and beneficial food in the other. Put one arm out holding a container and hold the other out while someone tries to pull it down. When you are holding the poison your muscle tension will be much weaker than when holding the food. This works with daisy chains of people with the container at one end and the arm pulled down at the other.
Scientists use a special light absorption instrument and a database to identify chemical molecules in the laboratory. Your body uses special qi absorption signals and a genome database to identify chemical molecules too. Native American Medicine Doctors use this ability for finding herbs.
(17) How does telepathy work? How do professionals “read” people at a distance? How do people learn new things when they live in isolation? How do shamans know when tribal enemies will attack? It’s all on the collective bio-field “internet”! Just intend the “access state” and the necessary “addresses” and connect with the information! Just as important, learn to “Shut It Off” or the flood can drive you schizophrenic. This happens to some untrained, undisciplined people.
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